
Grandparents & Grandchildren Portraits

Your Photo To A Grandparents & Grandchildren Painting
By Professional Portrait Artists
Let's Paint My Portrait!

Michel D's Gallery

My grandparents both passed when my brothers and I were young. My dad was very close to them and we know he wishes they could meet their great-grandkids. We decided to have it painted for my dad’s 55th birthday. In the picture are my Grammy, Papa, my 2 daughters, my son in the middle, and my brother’s 2 sons in the bottom middle. We miss them so much and this picture was so awesome to be able to have since we can`t have an actual photo of all of them together!

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Painted for Kasara  Aledo, IL

"My mother-in-law lost her father 10 years ago. October was the year anniversary of her mother`s passing. Even ..."

Painted for Hannah  Greenwood, IN

"My mother-in-law lost her father 10 years ago. October was the year anniversary of her mother`s passing. Even though her mom was able to meet her great-grandkids, she wished her father had that opportunity. Now she has a picture of her 6 most cherished people in the world, in one picture. "

Painted for Hannah  Greenwood, IN
Hannah  Greenwood, IN
Painted by: Michel D  Original Photo

"My mother-in-law lost her father 10 years ago. October was the year anniversary of her mother`s passing. Even ..."

Painted for Hannah  Greenwood, IN

"My mother-in-law lost her father 10 years ago. October was the year anniversary of her mother`s passing. Even though her mom was able to meet her great-grandkids, she wished her father had that opportunity. Now she has a picture of her 6 most cherished people in the world, in one picture. "

Painted for Hannah  Greenwood, IN
Hannah  Greenwood, IN
Painted by: Michel D  Original Photo