
20th Anniversary Gift Ideas

الوسط: زيتي
الحجم: 20 x 25cm
موضوع : 1 شخص
المجموع $199
%20 دفعة مقدّمة مستحقة الآن: $39 يتم سداد المبلغ المتبقي بعد الموافقة على اللوحة

This was my present to my wife for our 15th wedding anniversary. We were so young!

رُسمت إلى Beau

In the past 20 years we have had and lost three of our dogs. They Were a huge part of our lives and we miss them everyday. So for our 25th Anniversary I decided to have a painting done with all Three of them all together hanging out the way we hope they are up in heaven! The painting captured them perfectly and we love it!!!

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رُسمت إلى Kristy

In the past 20 years we have had and lost three of our dogs. They Were a huge part of our lives and we miss them everyday. So for our 25th Anniversary I decided to have a painting done with all Three of them all together hanging out the way we hope they are up in heaven! The painting captured them perfectly and we love it!!!

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رُسمت إلى Kristy