Custom acrylic painting of a happy family
أكريليك 20"x24"

رُسمتبواسطة: David  الصورة الأصلية

Father`s day! big reveal video Paintyourlife.com 2 pictures into 1 memorable portrait, my dad and his dad and my son together. My dad grew up playing the guitar with his dad when he was young, he has this one special memorable picture of them both together. With my son`s picture playing the guitar himself put together brought even more meaning to him

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رُسمت إلى Adriana

Beautiful acrylic painting of a famiy
أكريليك 20"x24"

رُسمتبواسطة: David  الصورة الأصلية
Custom handmade oil painting of two adults with a kid
زيتي 20"x24"

رُسمتبواسطة: David  الصورة الأصلية
زيتي 24"x36"

رُسمتبواسطة: David  الصورة الأصلية
Custom handmade acrylic painting of a happy family

رُسمتبواسطة: David  الصورة الأصلية

Father`s day! big reveal video Paintyourlife.com 2 pictures into 1 memorable portrait, my dad and his dad and my son together. My dad grew up playing the guitar with his dad when he was young, he has this one special memorable picture of them both together. With my son`s picture playing the guitar himself put together brought even more meaning to him

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رُسمت إلى Adriana

Custom handmade oil painting of two adults with a kid
زيتي 20"x24"

رُسمتبواسطة: David  الصورة الأصلية
Custom handmade acrylic painting of a happy family

رُسمتبواسطة: David  الصورة الأصلية