gorgeous acrylic painting of a father and two daughters
أكريليك 16"x20"

رُسمتبواسطة: David المزيد من اللوحات  الصورة الأصلية
Beautiful color pencil painting of a family
قلم رصاص 20"x24"

رُسمتبواسطة: George E. المزيد من اللوحات  الصورة الأصلية
Beautiful color pencil artwork of a family
قلم رصاص 20"x24"

رُسمتبواسطة: Mary المزيد من اللوحات  الصورة الأصلية

We’ve never had a family photo altogether. I thought as a Mother’s Day gift this would be perfect. My mom loved the painting and kept on asking how it was made possible as she couldn’t believe what she was looking at. We are all very satisfied with your work! Thank you I look forward to purchasing more artwork!

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رُسمت إلى Arlene

Damian`s father passed away in May 2004 and had no recent pictures of them together and he wanted a picture with his son with his grandfather. This was his Father’s Day surprise gift. Thank you for making it extra special with a memory forever. He was emotional but he loves it.

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رُسمت إلى Elizabeth

This gift was for my amazing mom, who lost her mom, my Maw Maw, 8 years ago and it never seems to get any easier for her. My Maw Maw never got to meet two of my four kids, and these kids are my mom`s WORLD. I thought it`d be special to get a portrait of all her favorite people together. She hasn’t stopped looking at it or crying since opening it! THANK YOU to our artist Yolonda, who worked in Oils to make this vision come to life, it was the most INCREDIBLE Mother’s Day gift!

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رُسمت إلى Jessica

Beautiful color pencil painting of a family
قلم رصاص 20"x24"

رُسمتبواسطة: George E. المزيد من اللوحات  الصورة الأصلية

We’ve never had a family photo altogether. I thought as a Mother’s Day gift this would be perfect. My mom loved the painting and kept on asking how it was made possible as she couldn’t believe what she was looking at. We are all very satisfied with your work! Thank you I look forward to purchasing more artwork!

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رُسمت إلى Arlene

This gift was for my amazing mom, who lost her mom, my Maw Maw, 8 years ago and it never seems to get any easier for her. My Maw Maw never got to meet two of my four kids, and these kids are my mom`s WORLD. I thought it`d be special to get a portrait of all her favorite people together. She hasn’t stopped looking at it or crying since opening it! THANK YOU to our artist Yolonda, who worked in Oils to make this vision come to life, it was the most INCREDIBLE Mother’s Day gift!

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رُسمت إلى Jessica