الوسط: ألوان مائية
الحجم: 20 x 25cm
موضوع : 1 شخص
المجموع $199
%20 دفعة مقدّمة مستحقة الآن: $39 يتم سداد المبلغ المتبقي بعد الموافقة على اللوحة

رُسمتبواسطة: Nancy المزيد من اللوحات  الصورة الأصلية
custom watercolor painting of  a fish underwater

رُسمتبواسطة: Linda C. المزيد من اللوحات  الصورة الأصلية
a watercolor painting of a family near the lake

"My in-laws wanted a painting of their children and their families for their anniversary. We selected a photo w..."

"My in-laws wanted a painting of their children and their families for their anniversary. We selected a photo we liked but wanted it painted in a different location. The artist was able to paint us at our desired location using the original image. We also requested some personal touches, like the desired flag on our son’s sweatshirt that the artist accommodated. Our family had an old relationship with a famous watercolor artist and the artist we worked with painted in the spirit of her style. We had some revisions along the way that the artist also accommodated. My in-laws were really pleased and loved the attention to detail! They plan on placing the painting in a special place in their new Florida home."

رُسمتبواسطة: Erica المزيد من اللوحات  الصورة الأصلية
turn a picture into a painting

رُسمتبواسطة: Ira المزيد من اللوحات  الصورة الأصلية
picture to painting converter

رُسمتبواسطة: Nina B. المزيد من اللوحات  الصورة الأصلية
a watercolor painting of a house

رُسمتبواسطة: Nina B. المزيد من اللوحات  الصورة الأصلية
custom watercolor painting of  a fish underwater

رُسمتبواسطة: Linda C. المزيد من اللوحات  الصورة الأصلية
turn a picture into a painting

رُسمتبواسطة: Ira المزيد من اللوحات  الصورة الأصلية
a watercolor painting of a house

رُسمتبواسطة: Nina B. المزيد من اللوحات  الصورة الأصلية