
رُسمتبواسطة: Dylan.Kl  الصورة الأصلية

"My brother died of cancer a week after his wedding back in December I had this made for my mom and she kept pu..."

"My brother died of cancer a week after his wedding back in December I had this made for my mom and she kept putting off open it because she knew it would hurt but I finally got her to open it"

رُسمتبواسطة: Dylan.Kl  الصورة الأصلية

رُسمتبواسطة: Dylan.Kl  الصورة الأصلية

My wife`s mother passed away in 2005 of cancer, this was when we were friends. I never got to meet her mom. I`ve heard all her stories and how awesome a person she was. We started dating 2 years later, 3 years after we married. We have a 20-month-old boy Takeshi, our first child. I see all the pictures of her Mother and my wife Ally misses her deeply. My wife takes pictures of our baby boy daily. I wanted to have one made of them together. We know she`s watching and protecting over her first grandchild. His guardian Angel. Thank you so much Paint Your Life! Came out so perfectly! Merry Christmas! Mario De Torres and Family

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رُسمت إلى Mario

"My brother died of cancer a week after his wedding back in December I had this made for my mom and she kept pu..."

"My brother died of cancer a week after his wedding back in December I had this made for my mom and she kept putting off open it because she knew it would hurt but I finally got her to open it"

رُسمتبواسطة: Dylan.Kl  الصورة الأصلية

My wife`s mother passed away in 2005 of cancer, this was when we were friends. I never got to meet her mom. I`ve heard all her stories and how awesome a person she was. We started dating 2 years later, 3 years after we married. We have a 20-month-old boy Takeshi, our first child. I see all the pictures of her Mother and my wife Ally misses her deeply. My wife takes pictures of our baby boy daily. I wanted to have one made of them together. We know she`s watching and protecting over her first grandchild. His guardian Angel. Thank you so much Paint Your Life! Came out so perfectly! Merry Christmas! Mario De Torres and Family

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رُسمت إلى Mario