الوسط: زيتي
الحجم: 30 x 40cm
موضوع : Landscape / House
المجموع $299
%20 دفعة مقدّمة مستحقة الآن: $59 يتم سداد المبلغ المتبقي بعد الموافقة على اللوحة
زيتي 16"x20"

رُسمتبواسطة: David المزيد من اللوحات  الصورة الأصلية
زيتي 30"x40"

رُسمتبواسطة: Judy T. المزيد من اللوحات  الصورة الأصلية
an oil painting of two little girls playing

رُسمتبواسطة: Doris المزيد من اللوحات  الصورة الأصلية

My son Issaiah was Murdered with his dad and the girlfriend on 07/14/18 and while my child was with his father I wasn`t able to see him graduate kindergarten so this painting that the Artist Johny did for me I will cherish it always it truly means so much to me I may not have got justice for my child yet but I have this beautiful painting of my child that to me I feel when I walk by it he is saying Mother it`s ok I graduated and got my wings but I`m always with you and forever in your heart...

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رُسمت إلى Annette

أكريليك 11"x14"

رُسمتبواسطة: Doris المزيد من اللوحات  الصورة الأصلية
زيتي 16"x20"

رُسمتبواسطة: Doris المزيد من اللوحات  الصورة الأصلية
زيتي 30"x40"

رُسمتبواسطة: Judy T. المزيد من اللوحات  الصورة الأصلية

My son Issaiah was Murdered with his dad and the girlfriend on 07/14/18 and while my child was with his father I wasn`t able to see him graduate kindergarten so this painting that the Artist Johny did for me I will cherish it always it truly means so much to me I may not have got justice for my child yet but I have this beautiful painting of my child that to me I feel when I walk by it he is saying Mother it`s ok I graduated and got my wings but I`m always with you and forever in your heart...

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رُسمت إلى Annette

زيتي 16"x20"

رُسمتبواسطة: Doris المزيد من اللوحات  الصورة الأصلية