Children Portraits

Medium: Oil
Size: 12" x 16"
Subject : Landscape / House
Total $299
Only 10% Deposit due now: $29 Remaining balance after painting approval
Oil 16"x20"

Painted for Anh  Elba, AL

Painted for Anh  Elba, AL
Painted for Anh  Elba, AL
Painted by: David see more paintings  Original Photo
Oil 30"x40"

Painted for Daniel

Painted for Daniel
Painted for Daniel
Painted by: Judy T. see more paintings  Original Photo
an oil painting of two little girls playing

Painted for Lori  Santa Maria, CA

Painted for Lori  Santa Maria, CA
Painted for Lori  Santa Maria, CA
Painted by: Doris see more paintings  Original Photo

My son Issaiah was Murdered with his dad and the girlfriend on 07/14/18 and while my child was with his father I wasn`t able to see him graduate kindergarten so this painting that the Artist Johny did for me I will cherish it always it truly means so much to me I may not have got justice for my child yet but I have this beautiful painting of my child that to me I feel when I walk by it he is saying Mother it`s ok I graduated and got my wings but I`m always with you and forever in your heart...

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Painted for Annette  Raleigh, NC

Acrylic 11"x14"

Painted for Chad  Kissimmee, FL

Painted for Chad  Kissimmee, FL
Painted for Chad  Kissimmee, FL
Painted by: Doris see more paintings  Original Photo
Oil 16"x20"

Painted for Donny  Hartford, AL

Painted for Donny  Hartford, AL
Painted for Donny  Hartford, AL
Painted by: Doris see more paintings  Original Photo
Oil 30"x40"

Painted for Daniel

Painted for Daniel
Painted for Daniel
Painted by: Judy T. see more paintings  Original Photo

My son Issaiah was Murdered with his dad and the girlfriend on 07/14/18 and while my child was with his father I wasn`t able to see him graduate kindergarten so this painting that the Artist Johny did for me I will cherish it always it truly means so much to me I may not have got justice for my child yet but I have this beautiful painting of my child that to me I feel when I walk by it he is saying Mother it`s ok I graduated and got my wings but I`m always with you and forever in your heart...

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Painted for Annette  Raleigh, NC

Oil 16"x20"

Painted for Donny  Hartford, AL

Painted for Donny  Hartford, AL
Painted for Donny  Hartford, AL
Painted by: Doris see more paintings  Original Photo