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Paint My Photo!
10% Advance Payment Only
Remaining balance to be paid after painting approval
100% Money Back!
We are so confident in the abilities of our artists that we are happy to offer this no-questions-asked refund policy. If you're not satisfied with your art work, we will either redo it for you, or refund your money.
FREE Shipping
Regardless of the size or amount of paintings you order, shipping is always free.
Pay only 10% when placing your order!
You’ll only be asked to pay the balance of your painting once you have had a chance to review and approve it.
Purchase Securely
We will never share your personal details with any third parties, and we do not save payment information on our server. We offer a risk-free shopping experience.
Online Proofing!
Once your order is ready, we will send you an email inviting you to view it online. You will be able to approve it or send us your comments if you require edits.