Hand Painted Portraits by Talented Artists

Medium: Oil
Size: 8" x 10"
Subject : 1 Person
Total $199
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Oil 12"x16"

"I wanted to get him something special and sentimental that money can’t buy! The gift of seeing people you lo..."

Painted for Ayeicha  Springfield, MA

"I wanted to get him something special and sentimental that money can’t buy! The gift of seeing people you love together! "

Painted for Ayeicha  Springfield, MA
Ayeicha  Springfield, MA
Painted by: Gio Q. see more paintings  Original Photo

My husband and as raised by his loving grandmother. When he was a teenager she got very I’ll and passed away. He speaks about her often and it always made me feel sad she didn’t get to see how his life turned out. So I got a painting made of him with her and our three children. Even though his two families can’t meet in person they can meet here in this painting. Thank you

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Painted for Amy  Central Valley, NY

Grandpa died in 2009. My son was born in 2021. Now my mom has a picture of her grandson with her dad!

Painted for Justin  Union, KY

Oil 12"x16"

"I wanted to get him something special and sentimental that money can’t buy! The gift of seeing people you lo..."

Painted for Ayeicha  Springfield, MA

"I wanted to get him something special and sentimental that money can’t buy! The gift of seeing people you love together! "

Painted for Ayeicha  Springfield, MA
Ayeicha  Springfield, MA
Painted by: Gio Q. see more paintings  Original Photo

I wanted to get him something special and sentimental that money can’t buy! The gift of seeing people you love together!

Painted for Ayeicha  Springfield, MA

I wanted to get him something special and sentimental that money can’t buy! The gift of seeing people you love together!

Painted for Ayeicha  Springfield, MA

My husband and as raised by his loving grandmother. When he was a teenager she got very I’ll and passed away. He speaks about her often and it always made me feel sad she didn’t get to see how his life turned out. So I got a painting made of him with her and our three children. Even though his two families can’t meet in person they can meet here in this painting. Thank you

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Painted for Amy  Central Valley, NY

Oil 12"x16"

"I wanted to get him something special and sentimental that money can’t buy! The gift of seeing people you lo..."

Painted for Ayeicha  Springfield, MA

"I wanted to get him something special and sentimental that money can’t buy! The gift of seeing people you love together! "

Painted for Ayeicha  Springfield, MA
Ayeicha  Springfield, MA
Painted by: Gio Q. see more paintings  Original Photo

I wanted to get him something special and sentimental that money can’t buy! The gift of seeing people you love together!

Painted for Ayeicha  Springfield, MA