
Couple's Portraits

Your Photo To A Couples Painting
By Professional Portrait Artists
Let's Paint My Portrait!

Couple's Portraits

Medium: Oil
Size: 12" x 16"
Subject : 2 People
Total $349
Only 10% Deposit due now: $34 Remaining balance after painting approval

It’s my mother, Elizabeth Roth’s 75th birthday today. It’s an important one, the first one without her husband of 53 years, and I wanted you all to know that this woman is loved. She is our family’s heart, and daddy was the head. She is our spiritual teacher, our protector, our champion and best friend. She is a woman of incredible strength and inspirational in her determination-her focus, to see the light, joy and Gods blessings where and when they can be found...often in the simple things...birds singing happily, the sun hitting the mountains, the leaves rustling on a tree, a beautiful shade of red (#truestory). I pray daily, that I can become half the woman she is. Her character, her beautiful heart, her steadfast faith, selflessness, and compassion leave me in constant awe. We lost daddy in January of this year, and I promised he would not miss her birthday

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Painted for Jill  LAS VEGAS, NV

This was a picture of my wife and I left our wedding. It has her, me and our friends in the background. We celebrated our one year anniversary today and thought this would be a great gift! She loved it! You guys were grey throughout the whole process and very fast to get the final product.

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Painted for James  Tampa, FL

This a painting of my wife of 4 years and myself on our wedding day. Gave this to her for Valentine’s Day. She LOVES it.

Painted for Joshua  Englewood, CO

It was a Valentines Day gift for my Fiance! It was her parents who passed away years ago! She loves it!

Painted for Chase  Bay Springs, MS

This picture was taken at the end of a beautiful night out, spent with family. Cousin Felicia was snapping pictures as we talked and relaxed on the steps of her lovely new home. Shoes off and in the loving arms of my husband`s embrace, as he whispered " I love you, Cerise" in my ear; is the most serene and sacred place I could ever hope to be. This captured moment of our love shows its depth in such totality that Bryan promised to have it made into a painting for me. On 2-2-2020, my sweet love surprised me with the painting of US, which we named "Stairway to Heaven". Every time I look at it, it pulls me back to that very moment on that warm summer night in the quiet calmness of my Baby-Love`s embrace...

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Painted for Bryan  Mount Clemens, MI

This is is very emotional for me, but this is my mom opening my Christmas gift to her. Which is a painting of bother her parents. Her father (My grandpa) passed away 5 years ago and almost to the day five years later his wife(my Grandma) passed away as well. This was/is a very rough time for my mom because she saw them at their worst for a very long time and we had very few pictures left after a fire broke out at their South Texas home. This painting was able to give my mother a chance to see her parents at their best every day as she walks through the house. I am eternally grateful and had the exact same painting done a second time for my moms brother so he could have the same thing.

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Painted for Forrest  Palestine, TX

This was a picture of my wife and I left our wedding. It has her, me and our friends in the background. We celebrated our one year anniversary today and thought this would be a great gift! She loved it! You guys were grey throughout the whole process and very fast to get the final product.

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Painted for James  Tampa, FL

It was a Valentines Day gift for my Fiance! It was her parents who passed away years ago! She loves it!

Painted for Chase  Bay Springs, MS

This is is very emotional for me, but this is my mom opening my Christmas gift to her. Which is a painting of bother her parents. Her father (My grandpa) passed away 5 years ago and almost to the day five years later his wife(my Grandma) passed away as well. This was/is a very rough time for my mom because she saw them at their worst for a very long time and we had very few pictures left after a fire broke out at their South Texas home. This painting was able to give my mother a chance to see her parents at their best every day as she walks through the house. I am eternally grateful and had the exact same painting done a second time for my moms brother so he could have the same thing.

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Painted for Forrest  Palestine, TX