Showcase & Bio

George R.

George R.

With a distinguished background in the fine arts, George takes our breath away with his remarkable paintings. George discovered his passion for art growing up and made the decision to take up art as a profession at the end of high school. Although he works with every medium, he feels most at home working with oil. Outside of his work with Paint Your Life, he uses realism with a hint of conceptualism, and each piece of art has a special meaning behind it.

George painted his first piece at the age of ten but considers his first most important piece the final piece for his art degree, "Family of Bats, "a four-figure painting, with a father, mother, daughter, and son hanging upside down. "This was the exact moment I realized that you can express everything you want through art, there are no limitations," George says. He can’t just list one or two of his most admired artists, "it would take me too long to name each one, there are hundreds of amazing artists that have inspired generations."

Inspired by everything around him, he is especially drawn to the human form. It's no surprise that he is also a sculptor.

Handmade Dog Portraits in Pencil By George R.

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