
Grandparents & Grandchildren Portraits

Your Photo To A Grandparents & Grandchildren Painting
By Professional Portrait Artists
Let's Paint My Portrait!

William's Gallery

Painted for Kimberly  Baton Rouge, LA

Painted for Kimberly  Baton Rouge, LA
Painted for Kimberly  Baton Rouge, LA
Painted by: William  Original Photo

My wife’s grandfather lived in the Philippines. We were unable to see him because of lockdowns and then he passed away during the lockdown the day right after his 90th birthday, and we were unable to go to his funeral. It’s been a little over a year since his passing and my wife missed him very much so I wanted to do something special for her.

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Painted for Jimmy  Florissant, MO

My wife’s grandfather lived in the Philippines. We were unable to see him because of lockdowns and then he passed away during the lockdown the day right after his 90th birthday, and we were unable to go to his funeral. It’s been a little over a year since his passing and my wife missed him very much so I wanted to do something special for her.

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Painted for Jimmy  Florissant, MO