
Grandparents & Grandchildren Portraits

Your Photo To A Grandparents & Grandchildren Painting
By Professional Portrait Artists
Let's Paint My Portrait!
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Margarita never studied to be an artist, never took a painting course nor received any training. The beginning of her career began as a lawyer, but she felt confined by its limited conventions. “It was hard for me to breathe in that world,” Margarita states. By contrast, since childhood, Margarita has been “breathing freely” in creative spheres - through drawing, handicrafts, and dancing - but never took it seriously as a profession. Her first realistic portrait was born when she was bedridden and could not do anything else, impressing upon her how far her skills could take her. Margarita loves to observe people and is convinced that everyone is beautiful. At present, Margarita works in an art studio, honing her techniques with each portrait. She believes her ability to paint is a wonderful gift of fate, and a thrilling opportunity to exhibit the beauty of people.

Grandparents & Grandchildren Color Pencil Portraits By Margo.Rud

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