
Grandparents & Grandchildren Portraits

Your Photo To A Grandparents & Grandchildren Painting
By Professional Portrait Artists
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NataLina Mas

NataLina Mas

Nata M. has been painting since childhood. She would bring colored pencils to her grandmother’s house, drawing everything she came across. Most of all, she liked to draw faces. Every school sketchbook and canvas was filled with faces of beautiful people. Nata loves to contemplate the features of facial appearance: birthmarks, freckles, smiles, dimples, and the like. During her school years she studied drawing on her own, after which she entered college as a teacher of fine arts, and realized that she prefers to be the creator, not the teacher. As a hobby, Nata draws famous figures in the fields of music, cinema, painting, and psychology.

Grandparents & Grandchildren Watercolor Portraits By NataLina Mas

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